7 Ways to Manage your Anxiety About Going to the Dentist

People are anxious about dental visits for different reasons. Some anticipate pain. Others worry that the dentist might be rushed or neglect their concerns.
Preventive Annual Exams

Getting an annual checkup is important for better health for everyone, not just babies and kids. It will also save you money long term.
Know Before You Go

Knowing your benefits will prevent you from getting surprise bills and save you money.
7 Tips to Save Money on Healthcare

It is important for consumers to approach medical care as they do other purchases – shopping for not only quality but also price.
We Won’t Get Value-Based Healthcare Until We Agree on What “Value” Means

At the micro level, we should leverage the growing power of physician- and hospital-review systems to gather more (and more-sophisticated) information on what is most valued by individual health care consumers.
With Healthcare, It’s Not What You Spend But How You Spend It

Researchers from Harvard University and the London School of Economics and Political Science combed through the data to see whether common perceptions about the U.S. health system were indeed true.
Eldery to Outnumber Youth by 2035

In coming years, the rate at which the U.S. population grows is expected to slow down. The population is projected to grow by an average of 2.3 million people per year until 2030. But that number is expected to decline to an average of 1.8 million per year between 2030 and 2040, and continue falling to 1.5 million per year from 2040 to 2060.